Ha! I love how celebrities are totally shading Gwyneth Paltrow these days. If you missed my earlier post on Chloe Sevigny’s world-class shade on Goop, go here. Chloe was asked for her thoughts on Gwyneth’s petulant hissy fit about how “un-fun” the Met Gala was this year. And now Us Weekly’s print edition has an excellent story about WHY Gwyneth had such an awful time this year. It involves Madonna! Madonna and Gwyneth used to be friends until they had a falling out at some point a few years ago. Now they barely speak to each other, and Madonna goes out of her way to be a bitch to Goop.

The Material Girl is a Mean Girl! An insider tells Hot Stuff that Madonna went out of her way to make ex-friend Gwyneth Paltrow miserable at the May 6 Met Gala in NYC. Madonna gave Gwyneth the cold shoulder, then buddied up to tablemate – and current Paltrow pal – Beyonce.

“She chatted with Beyonce for most of the evening and didn’t even glance at Gwyneth,” says the source. “Everyone talked about it.”

The feud stems back to 2009, when Paltrow got fed up with the rude treatment from her onetime BFF.

“Madonna would sh-t on her, over and over,” says a Paltrow source. Years after Gwyneth dropped her, Madge is still hurt by the snub, says another insider: “She fels Gwyneth abandoned her. Now Madonna will do anything to make her suffer.”

And apparently she did. Days after the fashion bash, Paltrow told interviewers she would never attend again.

“It was so un-fun, I did not enjoy it at all.”

[From Us Weekly, print edition]

I don’t believe that Gwyneth dropped Madonna because Madonna “would sh-t on her over and over.” I mean, I believe Madonna can be an awful person and she always has to be “top dog” in her relationships, but who believes that Gwyneth isn’t perfectly capable of being just as nasty, judgmental and bitchy right back? No, I think they had a falling out over several things, especially Tracy Anderson and that whole situation. Gwyneth pretty much “stole” Tracy from Madonna and that’s the biggest untold gossip story.

But yeah, how funny is it to imagine Madonna spending all of her time with Gwyneth’s new BFF Beyonce? Goop must have been so peeved.

Hilariously, Gwyneth’s Goop-letter this week is her behind-the-scenes of the Met Gala and how she chose that awful pink Valentino, etc. You can read it here.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
